Journal of
Defense Resources Management
JoDRM Volume 7, Issue no. 1 (12), April 2016
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Kadir Alpaslan DEMIR Ph.D., Assistant Program Manager Turkish Naval Research Center Command, Istanbul, Turkey Ebru CAYMAZ Marmara University, Department of Organization and Management Istanbul, Turkey Fahri ERENEL Assist. Prof., (R) Brig. Gen., Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Department of International Logistics, Istanbul, Turkey |
Abstract | |
All countries strive for a capable national defense supported by a strong national defense industry. Supporting national defense with imported defense systems has many limitations and risks because the terms of arms trade agreements between countries may easily be infl uenced by the political climate of the signatories. As a result, establishing an independent national defense requires a strong national defense industry. Furthermore, exporting defense systems may be an important source of national income. National defense industries mostly consist of large-scale defense fi rms that have the resources required for big defense contracts. However, small to medium enterprises (SMEs) do not have the necessary resources, therefore they are at a disadvantage. To overcome this handicap and be part of the business, defense industry clusters mostly consisting of SMEs are being established. Provided that there is good national planning and support in this area, defense clusters consisting of SMEs may play a signifi cant role in industry. SMEs have a chance to offer specialized services, special or customized products when needed. As a result, large defense fi rms subcontract certain portions of defense projects to SMEs. Since 2010, Turkey has shown signs of continuous improvement in defense industry clustering. In parallel with these developments, this study discusses the importance of clustering in the defense industry, briefl y presents the state of the Turkish defense industry as highlighted by national statistics, and presents the current status of defense clusters in Turkey. The novelty of this article consists in its assessment of Turkish defense clusters. | |
Key words | |
defense, defense industry, clusters, clustering, defense clusters,
industry clusters, defense industry clusters, Turkey, Turkish defense industry, Turkish
defense industry clusters. |
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Abstract | |
This article is trying to answer two main questions: “What should the competencies of a Chief Information Offi cer (CIO) be?”; “Do the persons holding CIO positions have such competencies?”. I tried to answer the fi rst question searching into the history and theory of the Information Resources Management. I focused in the beginning on the interdisciplinary roots of the domain which, in my opinion, should be also present in the background of its managers, i.e. CIOs. Usually, the technical experience and skills of a CIO are taken for granted, so I wanted to reveal what other competencies a modern CIO should have for being profi cient. There are some myths about what a CIO is, and such as: “CIOs may know about tech, but they fall short on people’’; “CIOs live in silos, and are only concerned about their own department’s performance”; “CIOs usually earned some kind of techie degree along the way”; “The buck stops here (1), at the CIO’s desk, on all tech decisions”. I went than and I analyzed the US Federal CIO Council, focusing on the background of its members. By doing this, I wanted to destroy the above myths, and to prove that it is indeed a reality to have CIOs with competencies beyond the technical area, which, by the way, are striving to share their experience to others CIOs to be. | |
Key words | |
chief information officer, information resources management, competence. |
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Nicaragua and El Salvador share many commonalities, including geographical vulnerabilities, widespread poverty, the experience of civil confl ict in the 1980s, and a transition to democracy in the early 1990s. Nevertheless, each state has drastically divergent levels of violence, as measured particularly by homicide rates, with Nicaragua among the lowest in Latin America and El Salvador among the highest in the world. This paper assesses the historical and institutional variables that account for this divergence and evaluates each state’s security structures using a civil-military relations analysis. In particular, the author uses Bruneau and Matei’s criterion of effectiveness. The fi ndings demonstrate that Nicaragua’s security forces consolidated during the 1980s in a manner more capable of sustaining the democratic transition and confronting new security threats like gangs and organized crime. | |
Key words | |
civil-military relations, Nicaragua, El Salvador, effectiveness, violence, Central America. |
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Experiences of the last couple of years indicate that political objectives are increasingly achieved without offi cial declarations of war. Armed forces are used in untraditional ways and the so-called substitute troops begin to play an increasingly bigger part. The article aims to characterize the confl icts of alternative nature below the level of open war that are on the border between war and peace. The content of the article presents the theory of unconventional warfare and its description, and familiarizes the reader with the concept of grey zone confl icts. It further shows the challenges linked to rivalry for infl uence zones and security provisions. | |
Key words | |
gray zone warfare, unconventional warfare, confl ict, challenges, armed force. | |
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PRIVATISING SECURITY Irina MINDOVA-DOCHEVA "G.S.Rakovski" National Defense College, Sofia, Bulgaria | |
Abstract | |
The article proposes an analysis of the different approaches towards employing the international legal framework in the regulation and oversight of private military and security companies’ operation in armed confl icts and in peace time security systems. It proposes a partnership-based approach for public and private actors aiming at creating and sharing common values under the principles of solidarity, protection of human rights and rule of law. A focus of further research should be the process of shaping those common values. | |
Key words | |
private military and security companies, armed services, inherent state functions, international regulation. |
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ENERGY SUPPLY SECURITY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICIES IN TURKEY Mustafa Kemal TOPCU Dr., Ankara Chamber of Industry, Ankara, Turkey Poyraz GÜRSON Associate Professor, Kocaeli University, Istanbul, Turkey | |
Abstract | |
As a result of Turkey’s geopolitical position and its related requirements, energy is one of the fi elds where innovation is to be speeded up. However, as a natural consequence of unplanned and incorrect energy policies, Turkey’s rate of dependency on energy has reached 72%. Since the need for energy is increasingly growing, especially as a result of the manufacturing industry in Turkey, and a large part of the consumed energy is imported, dependency seems to continue to increase. Toward this end, this article focuses on studies related to reducing external dependency on energy, while also reviewing and discussing literature survey methodology and making policy recommendations concerning energy supply security. Renewable energy has been attached great importance worldwide as well as nationwide because of providing a reliable energy source that meets economic and environmental requirements. In order to meet the increasing electricity needs of Turkey as a developing country the number on renewable energy facilities has been growing. Domestic production of equipment for renewable energy, and producing and integrating those into the conventional system are of high importance because energy supply is a security factor, sustaining reserves is a major need and reducing foreign dependency is a policy priority. | |
Key words | |
renewable energy, current deficit, energy supply security. | |
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COLLECTIVE SECURITY IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION. THE CASE OF ROMANIA Vlad DUMITRACHE Cristina ANTONOAIE Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Brasov, Romania | |
Abstract | |
European countries have taken part in the Globalization process ever since the end of the Second World War. Being active members of international institutions like the IMF, World Bank Group, NATO or the WTO, the European countries have even developed a collective entity of their own, that of the European Union. In later years, Eastern European countries like Romania have also become a part of this globalised system. It is the aim of this paper to present the effects that this integration has brought in terms of economic development and security challenges for EU member states, by taking into consideration the example of Romania. | |
Key words | |
globalization, integration, security, capability, multinational companies. | |
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POSITIVE TRENDS IN DEFENSE RESOURCES FOR THE ARMED FORCES OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Milan SOPÓCI Professor Engineer, PhD, Armed Forces Academy of Gen. M.R.Štefánik, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovak Republic Marek WALANCIK Associate professor, Academy of Business, Dabrowa Górnicza, Slovak Republic |
Abstract | |
The article deals with some security aspects and their infl uence on the defense resources of the Slovak Republic. The contribution it brings lies in the comparison between the defenses resources of the last years and their increase over the years. It shows a positive trend in terms of the modernization of equipment, weapons, technology and weapons systems of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic. | |
Key words | |
strategy, safety, defense resources, weapons, technology, equipment. | |
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The project selection process comes in the fi rst stage of the overall project management life cycle. It does have a very important impact on organization success. The present paper provides defi nitions of the basic concepts and tools related to the project selection process. It aims to stress the added value of this process for the entire organization success. The mastery of the project selection process is the right way for any organization to ensure that it will do the right project with the right resources at the right time and within the right priorities. | |
Key words | |
project management, project selection process, impact, organization success, added value, project life cycle. | |
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One of the main goals for human resources management structures and for armed forces leaders is to maintain all necessary personnel, both qualitatively and quantitatively for operational needs or for full required capabilities. The retention of military personnel is essential to keep morale and unit readiness and to reduce the costs for recruiting, training, replacement of manpower. Retention rates depend not only on money or other social measures. The goal for retention is to keep in use the most valuable resource that belongs to an organization: the human beings and their knowledge. The aim pf this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of retention measures in various countries based on Research and Technology Organisation report released in 2007 and, thus, provide more examples of retention measures as far as the Romanian military system is concerned. | |
Key words | |
military retention, recruitment & retention, retirement, pay, benefits, morale, military career. | |
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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM) ASPECTS IN THE MILITARY MEDICAL SYSTEM. A CRITICAL VIEW Adrian Valentin PANDELACHE National Institute for Aeronautical and Space Medicine, Bucharest, Romania |
Abstract | |
According to research in the fi eld, the fundamental element of every health system is represented by the institutional framework. The malfunction of the latter may be determined by either the political, or by the social and economic context. The decisions at the political level sometimes harshly affect health policies and their pace of progress. The HR support of the health sector during crisis has been affected as a consequence of arbitrary changes of the rules made by those who provide policies. This fact has determined a sudden and major reduction and a massive fl ee of personnel from the health sector, with negative effects on the health status of Romanians. With a view to all this, the aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the military health system. | |
Key words | |
health sector, military health system, recruitment and selection, individual career management, health strategy, health fi nancing, reform. | |
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INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF EDUCATION SYSTEMS BY IMPROVING HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT George BUCATA Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania Alexandru Marius RIZESCU Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania | |
Abstract | |
In today's economies, investment in education and in the training employees are at least as important as investments in heritage. We live increasingly longer in an economy based on information, technology and production, in which methods are changed rapidly and constantly. Human capital formation should be approached at least as good as physical capital formation and the reform in education should strive to treat the former obviously. | |
Key words | |
Human resources, human resources management, education systems, education efficiency. | |
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Abstract | |
In future confl icts, not only traditional or asymmetric actions will be used, but also a combination of the two in order to solve the disputes involving national and international actors, materialized today in different manifestation forms called hybrid war. The hybrid threats tell about the evolution of the contemporary and future threats, about the necessity of a national effort concerted towards providing an immediate effective response to these threats. From a different perspective, the diversity and the complexity of the issues raised by the hybrid threats prove that it is necessary to go beyond the technical or sequential nowadays answers. It results fi rst that it is required to develop an appropriate security strategy which will make possible the effi cient action against hybrid risks and threats, in an effective, operational and unitary manner. Therefore, the present article aims at sequentially highlighting the aspects supporting the need to correlate the coordinates of the national security strategy to the planning, conduct and quality assessment of the process of training offi cers from the “change of paradigm” perspective, in order to acquire the professional skills conforming to the task-requirements specifi c to the hybrid war. Nothing more natural, more necessary and at the same time more current in this perspective than modernizing the military continuous education system in accordance with the strategic norm of competence. | |
Key words | |
threat, competence, asymmetric war, hybrid war, paradigm, security strategy, task-requirement, professional. | |
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PHISHING AND E-COMMERCE: AN INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT PROBLEM Mircea Constantin SCHEAU Romanian Commercial Bank, Romania Adrian-Liviu ARSENE Bitdefender, Romania Gerald DINCA Romanian Banking Association, Romania |
Abstract | |
Phishing and E -commerce have at least two things in common - cyberspace and money, and the intersection of the two is often built around services and products offered by banking institutions and investment trusts. Nowadays, fraud economy and fraud methods that have been known to be particularly prolific for cybercriminals are hot issues. Attacks have become refined, with time and profit as determining factors. The risks of being discovered are significantly lower as the analysis preceding offenses is more comprehensive. Inside pawns or accomplices increase the chances of success for fraudulent actions. Cyberspace offers boundless possibilities. Technology is accessible to all. Innovation supports developments in all areas. The same device can be used in various areas. Imagination is the fi nal frontier. | |
Key words | |
phishing, e-commerce, vulnerabilities, financial institution, browser | |
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A RELATIONAL APPROACH TO THE ACQUISITION DECISION-MAKING PROCESS IN THE MILITARY ORGANIZATION Gheorghe MINCULETE Colonel, PhD in Military Sciences, Professor, Logistics, Finance and Accounting Department, “Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest, Romania Luiza KRAFT PhD, Associate Professor, Naval Forces Department, “Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest, Romania |
Abstract | |
The market relations of military organizations focus on the acquisition of material goods and/or services. Nonetheless, the importance of the decisions related to the supply process is sometimes minimized. This attitude is so harmful for the effi cacy and effi ciency of the activities conducted by the military structure that at times it can have a negative impact on the management staff too. Problems may occur because the acquisition process must unfold performance-oriented; its main objective is the purchasing of material goods and/or services meant to ensure the smooth operation of the activities of the military organization. In case this cannot be achieved, it is highly probable that the mission of the organization itself is compromised. The present article explores the constitutive elements of the acquisition decision-making situation, certainty, uncertainty and risk connected to the purchasing mechanism, as well as the stages of the acquisition decision-making process. | |
Key words | |
situational decision for acquisition; decisions for acquisition under uncertainty circumstances; acquisition decisions under risk circumstances; the acquisition decision-making process; preparation of the logistical acquisition decision; adoption of the logistical acquisition decision; application of the logistical acquisition decision. | |
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CURRENT ASPECTS OF BULGARIAN PARTICIPATION IN PEACE SUPPORT OPERATIONS Petar MARINOV LTC Dr., Head assistant professor in National Defence College Sofia, Bulgaria |
Abstract | |
Today’s world events mandate a need to project all available and legitimate methods to enable our war-fi ghters and leaders to effectively deal with a host of traditional as well as nontraditional threats and the newest challenges. The success of each Security Forces Assistance mission, during the period of post-confl ict restoration, depends on their capabilities, particularly on the Homeland Security Forces, to overtake the challenges to guarantee the security and stability in their own territory. | |
Key words | |
Peace Support Operations, Resolute support, application of force, advising, mentoring. | |
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THE IMPORTANCE OF VOCAL PARAMETERS CORRELATION FOR INFORMATION PROCESSES MODELLING Valentin GHISA Transylvania University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Romania Nicoleta GHISA Radio Romania Cluj, Chief Editor Department Of News and Broadcasting Production, Romania |
Abstract | |
To analyze communication we need to study the main parameters that describe the vocal sounds from the point of view of information content transfer effi ciency. In this paper we analyze the physical quality of the “on air" information transfer, according to the audio streaming parameters and from the particular phonetic nature of the human factor. Applying this statistical analysis we aim to identify and record the correlation level of the acoustical parameters with the vocal ones and the impact which the presence of this cross-correlation can have on communication structures’ improvement. | |
Key words | |
correlation analysis, vocal parameters, SPSS | |
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IMPACT OF THE INVASION OF MODERN IRRIGATION SYSTEMS IN THE OASIS OF LAHMAR, SOUTH WESTERN ALGERIA Cherif REZZOUG Department of Hydraulics, University of Chlef, Algeria Boualem REMINI Department of Water Sciences, Blida University, Algeria Saaed HAMOUDI Department of Hydraulics, University of Chlef, Algeria |
Abstract | |
For centuries, the oasis dwellers of the Algerian Sahara exploit the groundwater through the use of traditional techniques such as foggaras (traditional technique of irrigation in the Algerian southwest), and wells of chadouf (pendulum wells). In the oasis of Lahmar, in Southwest Algeria, the farmers use foggaras (known by the name of foggaras ain - foggaras of source) to irrigate their fi elds. Nowadays though, due to the indiscriminate use of modern systems (boreholes and pumps) to procure water for irrigation and urban consumption, over-exploitation and drying off of water sources have been one the rise while traditional techniques are becoming day by day out of service and, what is more, palm groves have almost completely disappeared. | |
Key words | |
oasis, Lahmar, foggara, sequoia, palm grove. | |
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KEY ACTORS IN THE COLLEGE ENVIRONMENT Maria Dorina PASCA Associate Professor, PhD, psychologist University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Targu Mures, Romania |
Abstract | |
The common perception about the academic environment is that the student-educator relationship is different from pre academic years since educators no longer have time to fully get acquainted and understand students. Nonetheless, that is tightly related to the academic freedom granted to students once admitted to college given this environment’s focus on their development as personalities and professionals. The academic environment is, as Noica indicates (Noica C.:1990), the place where “Disciples come to you to ask. You must educate them that they have nothing to get, but that they need to grow. Disciples want to become ivy, but they should become themselves”. Consequently, understanding students and magisters is to actually understand the relationship established between these two entities in the academic environment. | |
Key words | |
psycho-social profile, homo academicus, competence, model, deontology. | |
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