Journal of
Defense Resources Management
JoDRM Volume 5, Issue no. 2 (9), October 2014
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This paper analyzes the main themes and patterns used by Romanian communication programs on defense and security during the Ukrainian crises, from November 2013 until the ceasefire of September 5th. Acknowledging the change made in the Romanian leadership’s understanding of the security concept during the last 25 years of country’s transition from communism to democracy, the study found out that the narrative used by the Romanian institutions might lead to a new understanding on whose job is to protect the country in case of a military aggression. Currently, the bearer of this responsibility appears to be, for Romanians, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union (EU) and the Romanians themselves, in this order. For the timeframe analyzed, for what is spoken and written in the media by the politicians and, afterwards, re-represented by the general public (developed by opinion pools) it seems that for the military dimension, the security responsibility was somehow outsourced. | |
Keywords | |
NATO, strategic communication, Ukrainian conflict, defense and security |
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THEIR GEOPOLITICAL AND STRATEGIC REPERCUSSIONS Ionel STOICA LTC. Eng. PhD, Ministry of National Defense, Bucharest, Romania |
Abstract | |
Major worldwide demographic trends impact significantly each aspect of people’s lives. The impact will be favorable for some states and completely unfavorable for others since they will depend not only on the magnitude of these tendencies, but also on the aggregated result of the inherent shifts and developments at political, economic, social and military level Global demographic trends will represent a genuine challenge for the powerful states to maintain the existing global political and economic equilibrium and they will also constitute a genuine shocking force for international security and stability. At the same time, they will represent one of the variables underpinning states’ strategies, and domestic and foreign policies and influencing political and military alliances in the future. It is likely that they will lead to the reassessment of the bases of international relations. This paper analyzes the presumed consequences of future demographic shifts on the economic, political, military field and proposes some possible solutions to efficiently manage the issue. | |
Keywords | |
Demography, populations, ageing, urbanization, migration, security, stability, conflict. |
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PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS AND STRESS FACED BY SOLDIERS WHO OPERATE IN ASYMMETRIC WARFARE ENVIRONMENTS: EXPERIENCES IN THE FIELD Giuseppe CAFORIO GEN (ret.), Vice-president of the Italian Interuniversity Centre of Historical and Military Studies, outside consultant of the governmental Italian Centre of Strategic and Military Studies, Italy |
Abstract | |
This article deals with the problems of anxiety, stress and psychological discomfort that can affect soldiers sent on asymmetric warfare operations. It is based on secondary analysis of the data of two important field researches whose results have recently (2013) been published. Although the two researches adopted different methodologies, the testimonies are fully comparable and show that soldiers from different countries and cultures display common or similar reactions when they are placed in the stress conditions that the asymmetric environment involves. The approach of the paper is drawn up in such a way as to make the reader a participating observer of the reality of such missions. It is therefore centered on the personal testimonies of the soldiers interviewed in the two researches, testimonies reported just as they are, in their simplicity and, often, drama, with comments by the author kept to a minimum in order to give readers ample opportunity to evaluate and interpret the reported texts on their own. The research data, drawn from the declarations of those directly concerned, reveal the existence of a problem of psychological distress resulting from deployment in asymmetric warfare situations that is in part different in the causes of the problems resulting from deployment in traditional combat and affects percentages of participating soldiers that are not high but definitely significant. The highest incidence appears to be constituted by problems relating to reintegration into normal social and working life upon returning from the mission. This is followed in percentage terms by anxiety situations relating to life far from the family, due in large part to a sense of powerlessness for the scant possibility of managing family situations that may have cropped up or already existed beforehand. | |
Keywords | |
PSTD, asymmetric warfare, psychological distress, family, hardships, threat. |
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The article deals with the issue of socially responsible behavior in organizations, while the main emphasis is on the social responsibility of universities. The first part of the article briefly describes the concept of social responsibility and the second part presents a case study on the current state of activities related to socially responsible behavior within the Armed Forces Academy of gen. M. R. Štefánik in Liptovský Mikuláš. CSR activities which were implemented at the Armed Forces Academy of gen. M. R. Štefánik can be an example of good practice for other universities in Slovakia and abroad. | |
Keywords | |
University social responsibility, armed forces academy, sustainable growth and development, organization performance, social environment. | |
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DO PEACEKEEPERS’ SOFT SKILLS MATTER? THE CASE OF EUFOR OPERATION ALTHEA Ünsal SIĞRI*, Giuseppe CAFORIO**, Ufuk BAŞAR*** *Başkent University, Ankara, Turkey ** Italian Interuniversity Centre of Historical and Military Studies, Milano, Italy ***Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey | |
Abstract | |
This study aims to determine the role of the soft skills of adaptation, relations with locals, relations with other peacekeepers, stress management and cultural awareness, in accomplishing peacekeeping operations. In accordance with the research method of this study, a survey was conducted in the context of EUFOR Operation Althea, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The data were collected by means of structured face to- face interviews, with voluntary participation of thirty-two peacekeepers. The collected data were analyzed according to content analysis method and interpreted. Findings indicate significant roles of each of the above-mentioned soft skills. | |
Keywords | |
Peacekeeping, Peacekeeper, Soft Skills, European Union Force (EUFOR), Operation Althea, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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MILITARY ETHICAL META-KNOWLEDGE AND INDOOR TEAM BUILDING GAMES. FROM PROMISE TO PRAXIS Aura CODREANU*, Donald A. MACCUISH** *Lecturer, Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Brasov, Romania **Associate Professor, Air Command and Staff College Maxwell AFB, AL, USA | |
Abstract | |
Contemporary asymmetric warfare raises challenges that can be best described as volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous (VUCA). These features translate into a conundrum for both the forces involved in multinational theatres of operations, and for academics, researchers, educators and trainers in charge of finding novel means of approaching the needs of the military human resource both domestically and during deployment periods. One specific requirement of the military when deployed is to act in accordance with their code of values, but to also show consideration for other cultures, attitudes and behaviors. Nonetheless, these requirements may more often than clash. Consequently, this paper is built on the assumption that: asymmetric warfare requires a new set of approaches in terms of military education and training that should involve a change in the learning paradigm of cadets and adult officers so they can measure up to the features of this type of warfare. Therefore, its aim is to propose a possible new framework through which one’s own ethical otherness may be discovered and reflected upon in a novel and, we dare say, a challenging manner for the military field and for the didactics of military ethics. | |
Keywords | |
Ethical meta-knowledge, team building games, asymmetric warfare, military ethics. | |
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A REPERTOIRE OF INSTRUMENTS EMPLOYED IN PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING Dorina Maria PASCA Associate Professor, PhD, psychologist The University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Targu Mures, Romania | |
Abstract | |
According to Carl Rogers and Albert Ellis [1] [2], a new approach to psychological counseling is needed. Consequently, new and practical means to solve problems that ensue as part of the counseling process are required. From this point of view, this article aims at offering a range of alternatives to approach and involve the client (student) in order to achieve the envisaged results of counseling. As such, it offers a concise repertoire of instruments that can be employed in psychological counseling. | |
Keywords | |
Psychological counseling, student, psychological instruments, counseling portfolio. |
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An organization’s architecture is the rigorous description of its structure that includes organization components (entities), their features, as well as the relationships among them. This description must be comprehensive and include organization goals, mechanisms, and rules, internal and external processes, as well as technology. The architecture must be structured by layers and the interaction among these contributes to achieving organization goals. In this respect, specialized literature provides several approaches depending on the perspective taken on an organization: the management/owner perspective, organization process designer view or process administrator view. One of these is actually the mix of business process view and information view, with the following components for the latter in most cases: data architecture, application architecture, technological resources architecture. | |
Keywords | |
Information systems, enterprise architecture, information flow, Intranet. | |
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Information Resources Management (IRM) means planning, budgeting, organizing, directing, training and controlling information. It encompasses both information itself and related resources such as personnel, equipment, funds and technology. For many organizations, information and the technology that supports it represent their most valuable, but often least understood assets. The Romanian Ministry of National Defense (MoND) has to face this fragile issue, too. Hence an analysis of the AS IS situation is more than necessary if future endeavors in the field are to succeed. Moreover, the identification of possible solutions and of their likely constraints is another aim of this article. | |
Keywords | |
Information resources management, performance measurement, balanced scorecard, planning, programming, budgeting, controlling. | |
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Today, cloud computing is defined and talked about across the ICT industry under different contexts and with different definitions attached to it. It is a new paradigm in the evolution of Information Technology, as it is one of the biggest revolutions in this field to have taken place in recent times. According to the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), “cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction” [1]. The importance of Cloud Computing is increasing and it is receiving a growing attention in the scientific and industrial communities. A study by Gartner [2] considered Cloud Computing as the first among the top 10 most important technologies and with a better prospect in successive years by companies and organizations. Clouds bring out tremendous benefits for both individuals and enterprises. Clouds support economic savings, outsourcing mechanisms, resource sharing, any-where any-time accessibility, on-demand scalability, and service flexibility. Clouds minimize the need for user involvement by masking technical details such as software upgrades, licenses, and maintenance from its customers. Clouds could also offer better security advantages over individual server deployments. Since a cloud aggregates resources, cloud providers charter expert security personnel while typical companies could be limited with a network administrator who might not be well versed in cyber security issues. The new concepts introduced by the clouds, such as computation outsourcing, resource sharing, and external data warehousing, increase the security and privacy concerns and create new security challenges. Moreover, the large scale of the clouds, the proliferation of mobile access devices (e.g., Smartphone and tablets), and the direct access to cloud infrastructure amplify cloud vulnerabilities and threats. As clouds become more and more popular, security concerns grow bigger and bigger as they become more attractive attack targets due to the concentration of digital assets. | |
Keywords | |
Cloud computing, security, ITC, cloud deployment models, cloud software, cloud platform, cloud infrastructure. | |
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EUROPEAN STRUCTURAL FUNDS MANAGEMENT. A COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY ON ROMANIA AND POLAND Leonard - Constantin PESCARU 42nd Support Communication and Informatics Center/Communication and Informatics Command, Braşov, Romania |
Abstract | |
The Structural European Funds management is a topic of great interest for each European country that became or intends to become a European Union (EU) member. The paper presents an extensive comparative case study between Poland and Romania’s approaches to the aforementioned subject. Poland was chosen as a landmark/reference for the comparison with Romania’s accomplishments, because of its remarkable achievements since it entered the EU, being one of the most eloquent models of best practices on regionalization and European funds accessing. The good territorial reorganization along with the creation of a proper legislative framework and specialists’ training created the most successful European model of the last decades. | |
Keywords | |
Structural European Funds, European Union, Poland, Romania. | |
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A TAXONOMY OF DECEPTION BASED ACTIONS IN WAR Kalin GRADEV Senior assistant professor, Land Forces Department, Command and Staff Faculty, “G.S. Rakovski” National Defense Academy, Bulgaria | |
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Deception during wartimes is probably as old as the armed conflicts themselves. Logic to mislead your adversary is efficient and potential payoff by using it can be gained quickly. Deception is traditionally employed not only in the military but also in political, economic, and commercial context. The paper presents an extensive categorization of military deception measures, and analyzes them at a manner which may contribute to the awareness rising of its vast opportunities among military commanders. | |
Keywords | |
Categorization, criteria, military deception. | |
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INSTRUMENTS OF DEFENSE RESOURCES OPTIMIZATION. DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Florin-Eduard GROSARU Associate Professor, Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Brasov, Romania |
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Major decisions to allocate defense resources lead to high expenditures. What is more,they always generate extremely high public expenditures for long periods of time and that actually infl uences multiannual budgets. One solution to mitigate the great social impact of that is to plan defense resources by focusing on performance and transparency to the supporting citizens so that political and military decision makers are clear about the priorities and constraints placed by previous commitments on current decisions, as well as by the limitations posed by current commitments for future decisions. It is only thus that the inherent processes supported by defense resources allocation systems based on performance management reach maximum effi ciency and effectiveness. | |
Keywords | |
Defense resources, optimization, defense resources management, performance management. | |
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FEATURES OF INTERNAL/MANAGERIAL CONTROL IN PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS Gheorghe MINCULETE* Maria-Ana CHISEGA-NEGRILA** * PhD in Military Sciences, professor at the Logistics, Finance and Accounting Department, the Command and Staff Faculty, “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest, Romania ** PhD, associate professor at the Air Force Department, the Command and Staff Faculty, "Carol I" National Defense University, Bucharest, Romania |
Abstract | |
Control aims at the protection of patrimony, the quality of information, and the increase of performance and application of guidelines coming from the management of the public organization. It is the process that measures and verifies the quantitative and qualitative accomplishment of tasks, paperwork, and performances, while making the comparison with the planned objectives and showing if some corrective measures are needed. Internal control will always trigger rejection and lack of cooperation from the controlled parties. The article will mainly focus on the elements of the system of internal control at the level of the public organization briefly stressing the standards in the field. | |
Keywords | |
Management, organizational objectives and activities, control, internal/managerial control, internal control system, strategies of internal/ managerial control, internal control standards. | |
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THE REMOTE AND MOBILE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER AND ITS POSSIBLE APPLICATION TO THE OPERATIONAL AREA Tímea VAS National University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Sciences and Office Training, Department of Military Aviation Szolnok, Hungary |
Abstract | |
The concept of remote and mobile Air Traffic Control Tower (ATC TWR) and its development has started in Europe, Australia and also in the USA, in order to improve the efficiency of Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems in terms of air transportation safety. These new technologies are applicable in many countries in peace time, but on mobility reasons these are promoted to achieve commitments in the operational area. This article describes the devices and range of equipment of mobile and remote tower, and their specifications, which can even serve a medium sized airport, furthermore examines, whether how can those provide the air traffic services at an operational airfield. | |
Keywords | |
Remote tower, mobile tower, air traffic control, civilian airport, operational airfield. | |
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Education in general and the IT&C domain are subject to constant changes, both through policy formulation by the government or by private organizations and the continuous transformation of the needs generated by the recipients of the services generated by the aforementioned areas. These permanent changes, which are extremely dynamic and complex, have profound social, economic and cultural implications, which are diffi cult to predict and estimate in-depth. This paper aims to highlight the need for an integrated thinking in terms of making decisions that apparently are only related to the introduction of IT&C in the education fi eld. The extensive and intensive use of technology should be carefully weighed also from the point of view of the impact it may have on short, medium and long term, in terms of the economic, social and cultural impact, at national or global level. | |
Keywords | |
IT&C, education, integrated approach, P(olitical) E(conomic) S(ocial) T(echnological) implications. | |
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INTEGRATION OF ARTILLERY AND MISSILES SYSTEMS IN THE AIR DEFENSE FRAMEWORK Vasile ŞANDRU*, Emilia CALEFARIU** *Air Force Academy, Braşov, Romania ** Transilvania University, Braşov, Romania |
Abstract | |
The topic on integrated systems of weapons represents an actual area of concern for many countries, which are interested in such systems and allocate funding for research programs. From this point of view, Romania is in a development stage, but the prospects are encouraging, more and more scientists being interested in the research connected with the development of such platforms. In this paper we present an analysis of the most advanced air defense systems that ensure proper airspace security, emphasizing on the need for their integration on a common weapons systems platform. | |
Keywords | |
Integrated Air Defense, Network Centric Warfare (NCW), allocation targets, flexibility, redundancy. | |
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Abstract | |
The emergence of security conceptual systems can contribute to diminishing the differences between security consumers and security providers and hence to the latter’s transformation into security holders/guarantors. In this respect, intelligence is a field in its own right that can make an important contribution to this. Thus, intelligence in general, and its plethora of forms are a salient part of the arsenal of asymmetrical conflicts. Consequently, acquiring, holding or using information as part of intelligence is the major stake of the aforementioned antagonisms. | |
Keywords | |
Intelligence resources management, crisis situations, intelligence. | |
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ISSN: 2068-9403
eISSN: 2247-6466
ISSN-L: 2247-6466
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