Journal of
Defense Resources Management
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SECURITY OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC IN TIMES OF CRISES AND AIR TERRORISM THREATS Milan SOPÓCI*, Ľubomír MATTA** * Prof. Eng., Armed Forces Academy of GEN. M.R.Štefánika, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovak Republic ** PhD., Eng., Personnel office of MOD, Liptovsky Mikuláš, Slovak Republic |
Abstract | |
The article deals with security aspects of the Slovak Republic (SR) in times of air terrorism threats as dominant threats for the SR. It introduces basic legal, legislative and technical options and problems of fighting air terrorism. In conclusion it presents possible solutions, as well as the fact that SR can meet security objectives only in cooperation with coalition partners. | |
Keywords | |
Security, Operation, Terrorism,
Doctrine, Renegade, Strategy |
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CYBER SECURITY WITHIN THE GLOBALIZATION PROCESS Milan PODHOREC University of Defence, Faculty of Economics and Management, Brno, Czech Republic |
Abstract | |
The contribution focuses on the issue regarding security of information shared within the decision-making processes concerning control activities and information protection, which represents a key factor in the cyberspace. One of the main principles, which are considered as the basis for network operations and information sharing under the conditions of environment digitalization for users, lies in security and protection of mutually interconnected networks. Information superiority on the one hand and meeting requirements for secrecy and security on the other hand will result in high demands on personnel and implementation of cyber security and protection measures. | |
Keywords | |
Communication and information systems, Cyber security and
protection, Information |
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KENYA’S PRE - EMPTIVE AND PREVENTIVE INCURSION AGAINST AL - SHABAAB IN THE LIGHT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW E.O.S. ODHIAMBO*, K . ONKWARE*, J . KASSILLY*, L.T . MAITO*, W. A. OBOKA*, J. W. WAKHUNGU*, O. M. NTABO** * Centre for Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance (CDMHA) Masinde Muliro University of Science Technology, Kenya ** Dept. of Criminology and Social Work, Masinde Muliro University of Science Technology, Kenya |
Abstract | |
Al-Shabaab terrorist group’s series of kidnappings and cross-border incursions into Kenya threatened security and the lucrative tourism industry in East Africa's largest economy. Towards the end of 2011 events like the kidnapping of two foreigners and the killing of another in the Kenyan resorts on the east coast, the abduction of two aid workers from the Dadaab refugee camp, and the attack against Kenyan soldiers in cross-border raids raised a lot of concern for the Kenyan government. Consequently, the latter decided that the national security interest of Kenya had to be protected. As a result, the decision of the government was to go to war against Al- Shabaab. This prompted the Kenya Defence Forces’ (KDF) incursion to Somalia in a pre-emptive and preventive campaign aimed at fl ushing out Al-Shabaab from this country. The campaign took off in mid-October 2011 and it was dubbed “Operation Linda Nchi”, Swahili for “Protect the country’. In this article we look at the implication of Kenya’s pre-emptive and preventive incursion against Al- Shabaab from the perspective of international law. | |
Keywords | |
Pre-emptive, Preventive, Incursion, International law |
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ROMANIA’S ANTI - TERRORISM CAPABILITIES: TRANSFORMATION, COOPERATION,EFFECTIVENESS Florina Cristiana MATEI Lecturer, Center for Civil-Military Relations (CCMR), Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Monterey, CA, USA |
Abstract | |
Fighting terrorism effectively is not a new security responsibility for the security forces in Romania. Terrorism has been a menace to Romania’s national security before 1989, and for years during the Communist regime, Securitate’s anti-terrorist elite force’s acumen had averted terrorist attacks. Yet, Cold War terrorism is different from Twenty-First Century terrorism. What changed after the fall of the Iron Curtain, and chiefly after the atrocious terrorist attacks in the United States (US) on September 11, 2001 (9/11), was the lethality and virulence of terrorists’ intents and goals. Attacks in the US, Spain, Great Britain, and others urged Romania (as much as other countries) transform its overall security system to be able to fi ght terrorism and terrorist networks, as well as other asymmetric security threats and challenges, effectively and collaboratively. This paper reviews Romania’s security system post-Cold War transformation, in pursuit of effectively averting, countering and combating terrorism. | |
Keywords | |
Romania’s anti-terrorism, Romania’s anti-terrorism cooperation, Romania’s counter-terrorism reform, South Eastern Europe’s anti-terrorism, South Eastern Europe’s security cooperation | |
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Abstract | |
Recent major political uprisings are indicating the extent to which social learning Web 2.0 technologies, can infl uence change in informal learning settings. Recognition and a discussion of the potential of that infl uence in formal learning settings have only just begun. This article describes a study of an international distance learning project in 2004, using a variety of Web 2.0 technologies, including video-based web conferencing, that sought to initiate and respond to this urgent need for dialogue in the research. Self-selected participants took part in a 5-week English as a foreign language (EFL) program, a joint NATO sponsored Canadian and Romanian Ministry of Defense-supported initiative. Clear evidence of linguistic knowledge construction and of important changes to participants’ learner identities, indicates the power of these technologies to support the kind of learning that can lead to the development of global citizens and the skills they will increasingly require in the 21st century. | |
Keywords | |
Distance training, 21st Century
Learning, Online Learning, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Learner Identity |
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A COGNITIVE APPROACH TO CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: A VISUALIZATION TEST OF MENTAL MODELS WITH THE COGNITIVE MAPPING TECHNIQUE Garoui NASSREDDINE*, Jarboui ANIS** *Faculty of Economics and Management (FSEG), Higher Institute of Business Administration (ISAAS), Sfax, Tunisia ** Higher Institute of Business Administration (ISAAS), Sfax, Tunisia |
Abstract | |
The idea of this paper is to determine the mental models of actors in the fi rm with respect to the cognitive approach of corporate governance. The paper takes a corporate governance perspective, discusses mental models and uses the cognitive map to view the diagrams showing the ways of thinking and the conceptualization of the cognitive approach. In addition, it employs a cognitive mapping technique. Returning to the systematic exploration of grids for each actor, it concludes that there is a balance of concepts expressing their cognitive orientation. | |
Keywords | |
Corporate Governance, Cognitive Approach, Cognitive Mapping, Mental Models, Structural Analysis |
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SMART DEFENSE – A CONCEPT ALIGNED TO THE CURRENT PHYSIOGNOMY OF THE MILITARY PHENOMENON Gheorghe ION *, Marin ILIE **, Ana Mona ILIE ** * COL (ret), PhD,Lawyer, PhD, The Bar of Bucharest, Romania ** LT GEN (ret) professor, PhD, “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest, Romania ** Lecturer, PhD, “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest, Romania |
Abstract | |
NATO has constantly focused on aligning its Strategy to the developments in the international security environment with a view to permanently being able to accomplish its missions in the fields of peace and democracy insurance and human rights protection all over the world. In this respect, one of the major concepts strongly advocated for by the present NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and prone to changes in accordance with the current physiognomy of the military phenomenon is the one of “Smart Defense". | |
Keywords | |
Strategy, Smart Defense, Less Defense, International Security, Environment, Military Phenomenon |
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Abstract | |
The effects of the economic crisis on European countries has led to serious cuts of the defense budgets and a perceived reduction in the EU’s ability to provide capabilities required by other allies, especially the US. Cooperation, in the form of pooling and sharing may not be an easy and “ready to use” solution to Europe’s defense issues generated by the budget austerity and economic downturn, but it may provide ways to lessen the defense cuts impact on the military capabilities. Nonetheless, the success of the initiative is strongly related to the degree of political and military commitment of the EU countries to put into practice the concept. | |
Keywords | |
Capabilities, Budget, Cuts, Pooling, Sharing, Cooperation | |
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THE POST 9/11 SECURITY PROSPECTS OF AFGHANISTAN Laurentiu-Cristian DUMITRU Ministry of National Defense, Bucharest, Romania |
Abstract | |
The multinational efforts directed towards the stabilization and reconstruction of Afghanistan is characteristic of post-conflict military missions. The stages of such missions involve managing the post-conflict situation, as well as the rehabilitation, rebuilding and reconstruction of the area that underwent or generated the conflict. Afghanistan is a case study that underlines not only the complexity, but also the extremely ambitious objectives of the stabilization and reconstruction process unfolded in this country. At the time, the aim of strengthening NATO’s presence in Afghanistan was triggered by the necessity to create a peaceful security climate and to counter terrorism. The part played by Romania in the efforts to counter the global challenges to international peace and security through peace consolidation, stabilization and democratic reconstruction of the area has been characterized as a proactive one. | |
Keywords | |
Stabilization, Reconstruction, Provincial Reconstruction Team, Multinational Effort, Interoperability |
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THE STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE AND THE ACTORS OF SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE Florin Eduard GROSARU Lecturer, Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Brasov, Romania |
Abstract | |
There is no doubt regarding the importance that south-eastern Europe has gained over the past years in geopolitical and geostrategic terms. Due to its history and considering the changes that have taken place here after the fall of the Iron Curtain, and also as a consequence of the “hot spots” emerged here on ideological, political, economic and terrorist grounds, this part of the continent still is an area of control and interests confrontations orchestrated by the actors that provide the international affairs with a multipolar dimension. All the aforementioned factors lead to various phenomena in which individual or group interests result in regional as well as global consequences. | |
Keywords | |
Security, Geopolitical Interests, Power Poles, Regional Actors, Southeastern Europe |
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NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY OBJECTIVES: SOME CORRELATIONS Florentin Adrian ILIE Military lawyer, Parliament Liaison and Legal Assistance Directorate, Ministry of National Defense, Bucharest, Romania |
Abstract | |
National and international security objectives, as well as the correlations that can be established between them are the tell tale sign of the complexity characteristic of contemporary society. Moreover, as a result of the globalization phenomenon that is changing the physiognomy of humankind and generates an in-depth impact on the current approaches to security in general, these objectives gain new meanings and interpretations. Starting from the axiomatic truth that all national and international endeavors in the field of security need to be focused on the human being and its fundamental rights, it is our firm belief that the analysis of the national and international security objectives can be undertaken only by focusing on the interdependence between them and factors like national interest and human security. | |
Keywords | |
Security, Objectives, Globalization, Military Globalization, Human Security, National Interest | |
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TRAINING AND EDUCATION IN THE SERVICE OF MILITARY TRANSFORMATION Ecaterina Livia TATAR Lecturer, Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Brasov, Romania |
Abstract | |
The magnitude and challenges posed by the military transformation process cannot be overcome unless the personnel involved in implementing it is well trained and motivated, for this endeavor requires a set of special skills and knowledge. Therefore, this article attempts to present two possible tools to facilitate this complex process. | |
Keywords | |
Education, Training, Military Transformation, Personnel, Skills and Knowledge | |
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THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE Brindusa Maria POPA Junior Lecturer, Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Brasov, Romania |
Abstract | |
Successful organizations are the result of effective leadership and organizational culture. These two elements are interrelated; an organization will always reflect the values and beliefs of its founder(s) since they are the ones shaping the cultural traits of the organization. In time, as the organization evolves and its culture develops, this new culture will shape the leader and will influence his actions. | |
Keywords | |
Leadership, Organizational Culture, Performance, Change, Followers, Transformational Leadership, Ownership Mindset | |
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INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE: CULTURAL UNDERPINNINGS Adrian LESENCIUC* Aura CODREANU** * Lecturer, “Henri Coanda” Air Force Academy, Brasov, Romania ** Junior Lecturer, Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Brasov, Romania |
Abstract | |
The concepts of interpersonal communication competence, intercultural communication competence and intercultural competence are prone to frequent misunderstanding as a result of an epistemic field that does not draw clear cut distinctions among the disciplines the former are subject of. With a view to facilitating future research in the fields of the aforementioned concepts, this paper will focus on their operationalization by delineating not only the differences among them, but also their inherent marginal overlapping. | |
Keywords | |
Interpersonal Communication Competence, Intercultural Communication Competence, Intercultural Competence, Culture, Multidisciplinary Approach | |
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RISK ANALYSIS SERIES PART ONE - WHY RISK ANALYSIS? Iulian N. BUJOREANU Associate Professor, Ph.D., M.A., M.Sc. Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Brasov, Romania |
Abstract | |
The goal of this paper is to introduce the reader to the Risk Analysis Series to be developed in the pages of the Journal of Defense Resources Management. Risk analysis is of outmost importance in dealing with resource allocation and this is the reason the paper’s author started this series. Different views and approaches will be added during further discussion about risk analysis so that the reader develops a habit or skills of dealing with this intricate and challenging field. | |
Keywords | |
Risk Analysis, Evolution, Philosophy | |
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INFORMATION – A POWER DRIVER Dorin TOHANEAN* Ilie PAUN* * Ministry of National Defense, Romania |
Abstract | |
The beginning of the 21st century has witnessed a special stage in the evolution of mankind given the historical major changes that have occurred and led to an information based society that trespasses any frontiers and gradually dilutes any temporal or spatial constraints. Modern armed forces pay special attention to the aforementioned aspects since one of the main aims is to win the information battle given the extended role of information technology and of communications means in the battle space. | |
Keywords | |
Information, Intelligence, Cyber Space, Information Battle, Power | |
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Abstract | |
A judicious planning of the logistic support provided for the national military contingents earmarked to participate in multinational peace support operations must take into consideration the number of contingents to be deployed, their area of responsibility, their mission length, the facilities provided in the theater of operation and their providers. Moreover, such planning involves a thorough knowledge and application of STANAGs. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to focus on some of the fundamental aspects included in the logistic support planning guidance for the national military contingents participating in multinational peace support operations. | |
Keywords | |
Logistic Support Planning, Multinational Cooperation, Logistic Support, Theater of Operations, Mission Length | |
![]() Journal of Defense Resources Management 3:1(2012):153-160. Print |
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Abstract | |
In the current changing international context, the worldwide power balance along with its inter-dependencies shows that mankind is facing problems and pressures posed by resources limitation (the oil ones being the most relevant) dramatic climate evolution and a decisive impact of technologies. The approach of the armed forces to the national defense related interests, as well as to the asymmetrical and irregular threats underlines the joint force’s capacity to be the most powerful and adequate tool to address all of these. | |
Keywords | |
Joint Force, Future Military Actions, Irregular Warfare, Counterinsurgency, Non-State Actors, Cyber Space | |
![]() Journal of Defense Resources Management 3:1(2012):161-164. Print |
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ISSN: 2068-9403
eISSN: 2247-6466
ISSN-L: 2247-6466
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